Writing my life away

I love to write. I wrote as a little girl and found it again after having three kids. This will be a way for me to 'keep up' with getting published. Since I'm not published, I hope this will keep me on target and not stray.

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Internet Withdrawal -- Who knew?

Ok after two excruciating weeks I have a working computer!!
It's been boring, nerve wrecking and even a bit relaxing to know I couldn't sit and read emails, surf for new information that interests me, wondering if all my hard work was forever lost, would we break down and get a new one if this one couldn't be fixed. Oh the anxiety of it all!

Well, it's not new, so obviously we have the old one fixed! Yay!! Just in time for Christmas! Now the harder part getting the printer replaced or buying new. We probably let the warranty run out. oh geez! That's life I guess you snooze you loose. Well, off to polish that story that has been burning a hole in my head since the computer breakdown. And since a quick peek into writersmarket.com generated a quick new short story seems like its a great thing to get it down now, right after changing that smelly diaper running around...


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