Writing my life away

I love to write. I wrote as a little girl and found it again after having three kids. This will be a way for me to 'keep up' with getting published. Since I'm not published, I hope this will keep me on target and not stray.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

What's in your backyard?

We went out today and the rain made everything so crisp and bright! Not to mention flooded!
We took some pics at the iron furnace since the creek was so lively! It's a beautiful area!
So here are my Cumberland Gap area pics. This is just a slide shot as the water (normally a small creek) rushes by.

This is a shot upstream toward Cudjos Caverns. Years ago you could drive right by the caves and on the opposite side of the road you bought tickets to go into the caves. Now you have guided tours by the Cumberland Gap National Historical Park. There are names inside the caves that date back to the Civil War. (I think it's the Civil one lol ) Cumberland Gap changed hands three times in the war. (That I'm sure of!)

There isn't a road there anymore. I don't like the new way. The old was better.

This is the Iron Furnace.
It's a blurry pic because my daughter was jumping up and down at my side while I tried to hold the camera steady lol. The people who decide what to do with things in a park have changed the area around the Iron Furnace so much over the years, I wonder how they can keep claiming it a 'natural state'. But that's neither here nor there. This is 'almost' the way I remember it from 20 years ago. So I guess they're trying somewhat :D

I have a few more pics I'll try and post later in the week! I plan on going to these places that are in my own backyard alot more this summer.

What's in your backyard?


  • At 2:07 AM, Blogger Charli Cole said…

    In my backyard?

    The bodies of my ex-lovers.

    And what's more beautiful than that?


    Seriously...the second picture is very captivating. I can't wait to see more of the pictures you took.

    Have a great night, luv.

  • At 3:18 AM, Blogger Jax Cassidy said…

    Way cool! I should take pictures of my NoHo Arts District. It use to be a dump, now it's getting a facelift. No wonder they raised my rent. All I see are other apartment buildings and this nasty old house from my balcony. Wish someone would tear that eye sore down. I want to buy a cabin and hibernate. Maybe I'll get DSL with it.


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