Writing my life away

I love to write. I wrote as a little girl and found it again after having three kids. This will be a way for me to 'keep up' with getting published. Since I'm not published, I hope this will keep me on target and not stray.

Sunday, March 13, 2005

I always forget something.

Normally, I've been researching romance writing and every aspect in that genre (don't you love that word?). After my Aunt died then so did my computer I wrote, almost out of the blue, a children's book. It was about something my dad told me, when I was 12 or 13 after the death of a grandparent. He said that our bodies are just like Christmas presents. It's just a package. And what do we do with packages when we are done with them, whether it's from someone or something we buy at the store. We throw them away. It's not the package that matters, it's what's inside. So when my aunt died, this is what I thought of. When our Momwriter friend Bea died, this is what I thought of. I was just a child of 14 when my dad died and I think the children's book came from wanting to help other children who meet with the world of death, before they are really emotionally able to deal with it. Whether I will ever be published or not, whether this book ever sees the light of day in book from. I at least wrote it and healed a little of myself, putting into words a memory that's buried in my heart.

Happy writing and healing to all!


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